The Gourministry's greener everyday food
Dianna Brinch
Gourministeriets grønnere hverdagsmat
Alpha Forlag, Danmark 2025
Non-Fiction / Cookbook
Danish PDF
Gourministeriets grønnere hverdagsmat
Alpha Forlag, Danmark 2025
Non-Fiction / Cookbook
Danish PDF
At the Gourministry, taste is always in focus, and each recipe offers wonderful flavor palettes, textures and colors.
The Gourministry’s greener everyday food contains recipes for everything from breakfast to quick lunches and tasty dinners, focusing on vegetables. Many of the dishes are vegetarian, but fish and meat are not banned. The book therefore also contains recipes for side dishes and dips that can make dinner greener, and delicious desserts with berries and fruit, where everyone can join in.