Hell Week. Seven Days That Will Change Your Life

Erik Bertrand Larssen

Helvetesuka. Sju dager som forandrer livet ditt.
J.M. Stenersen Forlag 2013
Non Fiction / Self-help/Motivational
74000 Words
Complete English manuscript available, Norwegian PDF

Product sheet (PDF)

Do everything you know you ought to … in just one week!

Here are the golden rules for succeeding with Bertrand’s Hell Week:
Take action. Have fun! Establish habits of excellence.
Be an early riser and plan your day. Eat healthy and work out. Reach for great goals. Take care of the people you care about. Respect and live by your values.
Never give up. Do what you love. Work extremely hard.
Always trust yourself.

Norway’s toughest motivational coach has observed that those who plan and perform a Bertrand’s Hell Week, experience lifetime change. The feeling of satisfaction is unique, and people realize that they can endure much more than they thought they could.

One week is bearable if you plan it well. What you learn about yourself, will make it a lot easier to achieve permanent change in your life.

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