Keys to a better Life. Yoga for Youngsters

Isabelle Schjelderup, Ingunn Hagan and Anodea Judith

Nøkler til et bedre liv. Yogabok for unge
Publizm 2024
Non-Fiction / Health, Body and Mind
English sample chapters available

Product sheet (PDF)

“When we wish to offer yoga in schools, it is also important to reflect on the following question:

“What is important for children and youth to learn in today`s society?”

How can yoga provide children and youth with keys to a better life, support their development throughout their upbringing, and promote both their physical and mental health?

In this book, we attempt to answer these questions based on research on yoga, including yoga specifically for children and youth.

In seven chapters of exercises, we present concrete yoga practices that can serve as keys or tools to a better life and you will learn how yoga philosophy can offer valuable insights, including reflection questions for youth that help them get to know themselves