Yoga through Play

Isabelle Schjelderup and Yvette Jansen Rudlang

Lek med yoga
Cappelen Damm 2019
Non-Fiction / Health, Body and Mind

Product sheet (PDF)

This book is an introduction to yoga through play.

Simple and poetic instructions and illustrations of children doing the poses
describe how it is done.
The poses follow the seasons and can be practiced both indoors and outdoors.
The different chapters consist of physical poses followed by breathing exercises,
meditative poses and yoga through play. The book also answers these
• What is yoga?
• Why do children need yoga?
• What are the effects of the poses?
• How can you facilitate yoga in your home, in preschool and in
The book provides children with tools that can help them develop a more
balanced body, soul, and mind. Yoga for children is important from a public
health and life course perspective and can be a helpful tool for children to
experience a healthy lifestyle and life mastery.