Roald Amundsen's Passport

Anders Bache

Amundsens pass. Polarheltens siste reiser
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 2024
Non-Fiction / Narrative /History
46565 Words

Product sheet (PDF)

The Polar Hero’s Last Voyages

Roald Amundsen’s last passport accompanied him on several journeys, but it was left it behind before setting out on his very last journey. The passport is full of stamps and visas. Together with newly discovered photographs, letters and film clips, the fascinating story of Roald Amundsen’s last years is now being told. Actions and attitudes are revealed that change the legacy of both the polar hero and the people around him.

Anders Bache works at Roald Amundsen’s home at Svartskog close to Oslo. Every day he surrounds himself with what remains of Amundsen, and for many years he has immersed himself in this collection. Roald Amundsen’s passport is the result of almost ten years of new discoveries and knowledge from chests, drawers, cupboards and archives that have remained closed for many years.