Walking. One step at a time
Erling Kagge
Å gå. Ett skritt om gangen
Kagge Forlag 2018
Non-Fiction / Essay
27000 Words
Full English available, Norwegian PDF
Å gå. Ett skritt om gangen
Kagge Forlag 2018
Non-Fiction / Essay
27000 Words
Full English available, Norwegian PDF
“To walk—to take one step at a time—is about seeing yourself, loving the earth, and allowing your body to travel at the same speed as your soul. If you move too quickly you can’t keep up with yourself.”
“I believe it is important to do the opposite of what you feel like. Not always, but sometimes. Walk a little bit farther. Go out of your way. Choose a route that might seem as absurd and impassioned as a small love affair. You don’t have to fear the feeling of uncertainty if you find you’ve gone the wrong way. Those are precisely the walks that I remember.”
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