Insects.Learn to recognize and protect the insects around you

Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson

Insekter i Norge
Kagge Forlag 2021
Non Fiction / Nature
80000 Words
Norwegian PDF

Product sheet (PDF)

Insekter i norge 9788248928393

As in her previous books, Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson shares her fascination with insects and delights the reader with exciting and surprising facts.

You probably recognize dragonflies, bees, and butterflies, but what about bristletails, hemiptera, and snakeflies? Norway is home to over 19,000 insect species, and this gorgeous book will help you get better acquainted with them. The book provides an overview of all 23 orders of insects in this country, as well as the key families. For each group, you can read about the number of species and the insects’ appearance, habitat, status, and ecological significance. Many insects in Norway are endangered. Getting to know them might make us better equipped to take care of the environment they need to survive.The book is richly illustrated with photos and drawings.

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