Sense of Taste

Frida Felicia Vennerød-Diesen

Frisk Forlag 2021
Narrative Non Fiction / Parenting
36500 Words
English sample material available

Product sheet (PDF)

Why kids like what they like, and what you can do about it

Why do children really love sweets? Why does your oldest kid like broccoli, while kid number two refuses to eat it? Why did your child like tomatoes yesterday, but you’re getting them thrown at you today? Why are they so picky?!
This book has the answers to all these questions. You will understand how biology and our environment make us both similar and different when it comes to taste – and what you can do about it! The book is also full of tips and practical tools for teaching children to enjoy good, healthy food. Leave stress and guilt behind you, it’s time to crack the code that parents have been puzzling over for years: how to get your kids to eat the food you serve them.

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