What and when should we eat?

Marit Kolby

Hva og når skal vi spise?
Frisk Forlag 2022
Non-Fiction / Food/Health/Lifestyle
49000 Words
Norwegian PDF, English sample chapters

Product sheet (PDF)

Omslag – hva og når skal vi spise

72.000 copies sold!

For most of the time we’ve lived on earth, no one has told us what to eat.

No one was counting calories or carbs. And even in societies with good access to food, very few people became overweight.

Today we are being told what to eat. Nevertheless, the majority of us become overweight, and many even become ill from the diet. What is wrong with our diet and why are there so many conflicting messages about what we should eat? Who is right, if anyone?

This book gives you a new look at what we should actually eat, and why. Eating healthy is actually very easy if you just know how to navigate. In this book, you get up-to-date and research-based information about the important interaction between the body and food we eat, so that you can make better choices in your diet and achieve better health as a result.

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