Enemy of Peace

Jan Ove Ekeberg

Den siste vikingkongen - Fredens fiende
Gyldendal Forlag 2020
Fiction / Historical
70000 Words
English synopsis of all five volumes available

Product sheet (PDF)

Harald Hardråde’s life is one of the most adventurous in Norwegian history. With great courage and a rare prowess for warfare, he left his mark behind him from Stiklestad to Byzantium. His attempt to conquer England became the Norwegian Vikings’ last daring voyage. When Harald fell at Stamford Bridge in 1066, the Viking Age was over.

In “Enemy of Peace”, the fourth book in the series “The Last Viking King”, we meet Harald as ruler of the legendary Byzantine Varangian Guard. rWhen a new emperor ascends the throne, Harald is in danger and must flee. He sets course for Kiev, the capital of the mighty Gardarik Empire, to which he has sent great riches. During the journey, Harald has just one thing in mind: How to win Norway? The country has already made Olav’s son, Magnus king, and over him watches the mighty Troender leader Einar Tambarskjelve. Harald flees from one bloody power struggle right into another. But he has no choice. It’s time to fulfill a promise he gave his brother, Saint Olav at Stiklestad.

The series “The Last Viking King” is based on Harald Hardråde’s life. The broad time lines follow the story as described in source material, and we meet a number of historical figures. Around this, characters and events typical of the period are invented to create an exciting and captivating story. In the drama surrounding Norway’s last Viking king, war and friendship, love and hate are woven together in a way that makes this important epoch in our history come alive for the reader.

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