Mostly Green

Aicha Bouhlou

Litt kjøtt, mer fisk, mest grønt
Gyldendal Forlag 2019
Non Fiction / Cookbook
Norwegian PDF

Product sheet (PDF)

Litt kjoett mer fisk mest groent

In my kitchen there is little meat, more fish and mostly vegetables.

It was the food I grew up with, it is the food I make myself, and like the most.

I am a flexitarian. That means most of what I eat is plant-based. In this book, I want to give my social media followers what I feel they want most: more plant-based food, more simple fish recipes and uncomplicated, tasty everyday dishes.

Just as important as in my previous books, it is about surprising yourself and those sitting at your table, with new flavors and combinations, based on ingredients easy to find in your convenience store.

This is the food I make when I gather the family around the table, cook a simple dinner alone or have guests over.Colorful dishes with contrasts and lots of flavour. It’s food pleasure for me and those I cook for. Hope your experience will be the same when using my recepies.

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Stiebner Verlag, Germany