Hummus and Pomgranate

Vidar Bergum

Hummus og Granateple. Mat fra Tyrkia og midtøsten
Cappelen Damm 2018
Non Fiction / Cookbook

Product sheet (PDF)

Hummus & Pomegranate has been widely praised in Norway, where it quickly achieved best-seller status and is currently in its 8th print.

Hummus & Pomegranate – Food from Turkey & the Middle East is an unpretentious introduction to the most famous foods and flavours of Turkey and the Middle East. Through more than 80 recipes, the book explores the region’s most famous classic dishes, some of the lesser-known local favourites and contemporary takes typical of modern Middle Eastern cuisine. The recipes are simple and easy to follow for people not familiar with all of the techniques and traditions of these cuisines, while staying true to the flavours of their heritage. Among the recipes are classics such as hummus, falafel, dolma and kebab, but also dishes inspired by more modern takes on the cuisines, including cumin beetroot fritters and spiced beef with tahini yoghurt.

Embracing the region’s strong history of natural and vegetable-based cooking, Hummus & Pomegranate’s 65+ delicious vegetarian recipes are in line with current trends to eat less meat and more vegetables.More than just a collection of recipes, Hummus & Pomegranate also explores the origins of the cuisines and dishes, giving the reader a context for dishes that have evolved through – in many cases – centuries of refinement from generation to generation. Each chapter is illustrated by beautiful photography, shot on location in Istanbul by Bahar Kitapcı, one of Turkey’s leading food photographers.

Foreign rights

Frech Verlag, Germany