Life Coping Methods as Medicine -Keys to a better Life
Audun Myskja
J. M. Stenersen Forlag 2025
Non-Fiction / Health, Body and Mind
English sample chapters, Norwegian PDF
J. M. Stenersen Forlag 2025
Non-Fiction / Health, Body and Mind
English sample chapters, Norwegian PDF
Coping is the key to good health and a good life – it doesn’t help to have knowledge if you are unable to use it.
In his new, inspiring book, Audun Myskja has gathered his valuable experience from a long life as a non-traditional medical doctor, with an emphasis on finding what really works in practice.
Since the 1970s, Myskja has developed methods that help people with their different health challenges, he has developed methods where traditional healthcare has been inadequate. He has gatheres this knowledge in the nine pillars of coping methods as medicine.
Coping methods as medicine, is about finding the right tools
for you, in your everyday life, with your body and the problems you may
have. Diet, exercise, sleep and coping with stress are important, but
coping methods as medicine is also about your thoughts, feelings and values.
Wether you are feeling sick or well, if you are in good shape, or if you are starting from scratch, in this book you’ll get an up-to-date introduction to Myskja’s most
effective methods, conveyed with wisdom and deep empathy.